Launching task forms via URL

AssetTrack task forms can be launched using a URL that is embedded in an email or web page.  This is useful for automating processes with other system, such as having a technician update asset information in the process of closing a ticket from an external ITSM system.  You can configure that system to create a URL that opens a specific task form and to pass default values to that form such as the ticket number.

Using a single link to launch either an iOS or Web Task Form based on client device

You don't necessarily know which device a user is using to access AssetTrack.  You can provide a single URL that will determine the device (Internet Explorer or iOS) and then either open the iOS app or a web task form.

Example URL

The following url will launch the form based on client agent of the request.

http(s)://<server>/assettrack/open?forms=<iOS form name>/<web task form name>

Use '/' between the form names to delimit them.

Set your API URL in AssetTrack Server settings

Be sure to set the Api directory value in the server settings.  This way the iOS app will know the URL of the API to which is must connect:


Launching a Web Task Form

To launch a web task form via url the pattern is as follows:


The easiest way to get this url is to navigate to the forms section of the web site copy the url of the link to the form.

Launching an iOS Form

To launch an iOS form via url the pattern is as follows:

ami://?s=<encodedserverurl>&t=<form name>&field1=<value1>&field2=<value2>

When an iPhone opens this link, the AssetTrack app will load, partner with the provided AssetTrack Server, and will open the provided task form.  Any field values that are provided will be prepopulated into the form as well.