Cleaning a model means to assign all assets assigned to that model to a different model, and then retiring the cleaned models. To do this, find a model that you want combined into another. Choose a “Master Model” to migrate all assets to. All assets that are assigned to cleaned models are updated to the master model.


You can assign a Master Model in the list view or through the model record:

  1. Find a duplicate model(s) you want to clean up and determine which model is the Master Model.
    Note: Choosing a Master Model will migrate all assets under that Master Model

Assign a Master Model in the list view:

2. For all duplicate models, double click the (empty) space in the Master Model column

3. Click the magnify glass and find the Master Model in the list view

Assign a Master Model in the Model record:

2. Click the model that you want to clean up

3. Click into the Model Cleanup tab

4. Click the magnify glass in the Master Model field to find the Master Model

5. Repeat these steps for all duplicate models

6. To clean up duplicate models go to Cleanup one or more models

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