Here are a couple problem areas to check if you have Ajax.NET on IIS 7 set to run in an integrated mode instead of classic mode, and you're getting an AssetTrack Server error message: 

                 The file '/AssetTrack/ajaxpro/xxx.ashx' does not exist. 

Where xxx.ashx is the file name.

For example:

The file '/AssetTrack/ajaxpro/converter.ashx' does not exist. 

The file '/AssetTrack/ajaxpro/core.ashx' does not exist.

On this page:

To resolve the missing file error message

When running Ajax.NET on IIS 7 in integrated mode instead of classic mode here are few things you'll want to check:

  1. First check that the IIS_ISSRS group has access to your Web site folder.
    For example, if you are using the default folder for Web sites with Visual Studio .NET 2005, the simplest way is to add read access at C:\Users\Username\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\WebSites.
  2. Run the following command to automatic migrate your web.config file:     %windir%\system32\inetsrv\Appcmd migrate config "<ApplicationPath>"
    The problem with the web.config file for Ajax.NET Professional is that you have to move the httpHandler (and httpModule if used) to a new section called <system.webServer> and rename httpHandler to handler; next you have to add a name attribute for the handler:

         <location path="ajaxpro">
                        <add verb="*" path="*.ashx" name="AjaxPro"  type="AjaxPro.AjaxHandlerFactory,AjaxPro.2" />

Here are some issues you may encounter when deploying the default ASP.NET Integrated mode on IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista SP1 and Windows Server 2008.