Release Notes (May 4, 2016)

New features

  • AT4 Api - Support for direct form linking, with configuration which user agents get the custom protocol.
  • File Import - ServiceNow support for multiple table support for single entity import.
  • ServiceNow Handler / ServiceNow Pre-processor - Support multiple sources for a single file in the pre-processor, Support multiple import set publish destinations.
  • File Import - PO.Vendor can now be resolved by referencing the Name value in the Vendor file. POLI.Product can now be resolved by referencing the Name value in the Product file.
  • AT4 Api/Client - Launch form from an external URL.
  • ServiceNow Handler - Support for publishing data collected through Procurement forms.
  • AT4 Client - Support for applying a capture group regex to mutate the scan value before lookup and field assignment. For example, trimming excess data from Serial Number tags that sometime combine product information before or after Serial Number.
  • Server - Added Assignee.Code, and Assignee2.FirstName, .LastName, and .Code to the PublsihedDataSummary view.
  • AT4 Client - Remove partnership for non-cordova clients (browsers).

Bug fixes
  • AT4 Client - Location field: the ability to consider Location Code when searching (not scanning) locations was accidentally removed (since
  • APM 12.x Import - Import was incorrectly trying to consider AssetTrack's AssetType filter settings when importing Location hierarchies when integrated with APM 12 (an APM-11-only feature) 
  • AT4 Api - Exclude product reference when empty for consumable for legacy console 
  • AT4 Api - Exclude product reference when empty for purchase order line item assets (for legacy console)
  • AT4 Client - Sideload issue with malformed server causes infinite loop.
  • AT4 Api - Validation issue for validating reference entities and string patterns.
  • XslHandler - When collecting an asset against a Purchase Order Line Item, and the user enters a Location, Assignee, Organization or Vendor, those values were not available in the XSLT context. Bug introduced in
  • Server / Console - Publishing fix for APM 12/14 and location resolution.
  • AT4 Api - Assignee not resolving in queue when assignee code is empty.
  • AT4 Client - Reload data from client queue emptied multi-line fields.
  • AT4 Client - Reload data from client with validation errors broke validate display.
  • AT4 Client install - Fix formatting of atconfig.json on install.
  • AT4 Api - Set maxRequestLength to maximum value to avoid silent failure.
  • AT4 Api - String Pattern with Controlling field validation for the Product field had issues with the AssetType value portion of the name (since
  • AT4 Api - Support set missing status for audit form when status field is not a bulk field.
  • FIS - It was not unescaping escaped tab, newline and carriage return characters once imported.
  • FIS - Analysis was performing a case sensitive compare on hierarchical names.
  • FIS - Loose import was not removing orphaned records for hierarchical types.
  • FIS - Hierarchical depth value was only set for new, not for updates.
  • XslHandler/ServiceNowHandler - Removed unnecessary logic in output of related entities on PO Forms. The buggy symptom was POLI.Model had null values when Model was not on the form.
  • AT4 Api - Model data not making it to the queue when not present on poli form.
  • AT4 Client - Saving task did not block second press which could result in duplicate saves in slow environments.
  • AT4 Client - Lock first matching scan field on bulk forms.
  • AT4 Client - Multine textbox not calculating max length correctly.
  • AT4 Client - Validation was interrupting waiting for missing keys.
  • Server / CE - Show all levels of asset types in sync plan filters.
  • AT4 Client - Bulk form always hides top drawer.
  • AT4 Client - Audit form sort dog tags base on last scanned.
  • AT4 Client - Check for null value when match scan keys.
  • AT4 Client - Cannot switch between sibling client instances served from the same sub-domain (desktop-only).
  • AT4 Client - Cannot open bulk form from queue successfully.
  • AT4 Client - Default dates cannot be edited (IE/Firefox) or deleted (Chrome/Mobile).
  • FIS - Make hierarchical external id comparison case insensitive.
  • AT4 Validation - DateTime range validator failed when min and max were the same value.
  • AT4 Api - only bring back custom field when the custom field name matches a field name for another entity. (March 17, 2016)

New features

  • File Integration System - Add new setting to allow for bad entity references within the import file set to be ignored and set to NULL. 

  • AT4 - Update installer to take APIVDIR parameter.

  • AT4 - Update installer to optionally take USESSL and PORT parameters
  • AT4 Client - Single forms clear when modifying their lookup field.
  • AT4 Client - Bulk form assets have their lookup field set to read only.
  • AT4, Import, Server, CE, Publishing - Added 4 custom entity type tables for data.
  • WinCE - Autocomplete support for Vendor.
  • AT4 Client/API - Initial support for offline.
  • AT4 Client - Client upload history/queue.
  • AT4 Client - Allow direct edit of consumable PO line item quantities.
  • AT4 Client - Keep menu open when no task has been selected.
  • AT4 API/Client - Client now captures date collected and API will use if present.
  • AT4 Client - Option to force client update from settings page.
  • AT4 Client/API - Automatic partnership when loaded in web browser.

Bug fixes

  • APM 12.9 / 14.1 - Auto-publish would not work with old iOS client.
  • AT4 Client - In some scenarios on audit forms, when toggling between showing expected assets, the top dog tag could become hidden.
  • AT4 - Update API installer to check for .net framework 4.5.2.
  • AT4 Client - Keyboard scanner does not close on scan.
  • Import - Change handling of hierarchical types to handle edge cases of moving children.
  • Install - Change authentication settings during Win-auth install.
  • AT4 API - Fix missing POLI line item number in queue for certain PO form use cases.
  • AT4 API - Change server status code response from 503 to 403 when license is invalid.
  • AT4 Client - Correct handling of empty value in picklist value when picklist had a non-empty default.
  • AT4 Client/WP8 - Fix sideloading issues that prevented WP8 from loading client.
  • AT4 Client - PO consumable setting to zero could prevent saving of form.
  • AT4 Client - Location field: the ability to consider Location Code when searching (not scanning) locations was accidentally removed.
  • AT4 Client - Sideload issue with malformed server causes infinite loop.
  • XslHandler - When collecting an asset against a Purchase Order Line Item, and the user enters a Location, Assignee, Organization or Vendor, those values were not available in the XSLT context.
  • Server / Console - Publishing fix for APM 12/14 and location resolution.
  • AT4 Api - Assignee not resolving in queue when assignee code is empty.
  • AT4 Client - Reload data from client queue emptied multi-line fields.
  • AT4 Client - Reload data from client with validation errors broke validate display.
  • AT4 Client install - Fix formatting of atconfig.json on install.
  • AT4 Api - String Pattern with Controlling field validation for the Product field had issues with the AssetType value portion of the name.
  • AT4 Client - Fix to use wait for missing key field setting.
  • AT4 Api - Fix for validation value configuration for asset type on product.
  • AT4 Api - Validation issue for validating reference entities and string patterns. (November 6, 2015)

New features

  • AT4 - String pattern with controlling field validator and required for asset status validator.

  • AT4 - Assignee and product creation.
  • AT4 Client - Added configuration support to the server settings, "Security" > "Login page message".

  • AT4 Client - Symbol TC70 (TC700H) & TC55 support.
  • AT4 Client - Free text Location search now returns partial matches for Location.Name OR Location.Code. Before, it returned partial matches for Location.Name only.
  • AT4 Client - Form designers can now configure "Wait for missing lookup field values" scan behavior in the AT4 Client.
  • AT4 Api - Now able to filter lookup results based on user groups.
  • AT4 Api - Added configuration setting to change port for client uri partnership.
  • Form Design / Windows Mobile Client / Web Forms - Custom fields of all types now support default values and can be hidden (capturing "pass-through values during form collection time).
  • Windows Mobile Client - "Unaudited" search in location audit provides the ability to report on unaudited location.
  • Windows Mobile Client - PO line item form now allow editing of custom fields.
  • Console - The "Publish Selected" button has been moved to the right of "Export to Excel" button. This has been done to prevent accidental publishing when trying to click the filter buttons.
  • File Import Service - Added the ability to associate a Product with a Purchase Order Line Item by PartControlNumber instead of ProductExternalId.
  • XslHandler - New helper function "replace_string_with_string" now available. See documentation Publishing Custom Data Files using the XslHandler for more information.
  • Server - New APM 11/12/14 handler setting for associating the publishing or collecting user with the changes being pushed to APM.

Bug fixes

  • File Import Service - Non-integer Purchase Order Line Item Quantity Received values are now considered invalid and will be reported in the error folder for the Import Service.
  • APM Importer - Fix issue with Oracle backed UAPM importing of custom fields.
  • Server / Client - Change date field handling to display the correct date collected throughout the application.
  • AT4 Client - Line item for on PO form were not handling the PO number field correctly. The PO number field can now be added to Line item forms.
  • AT4 Client - Configuring client-side, error-level validation prevented upload of collected data in some instances due to a server-side bug.
  • AT4 Client - Pick-lists not loading more information as your scroll down the list.
  • AT4 Api - Change query for task list to be more perfomant under certain conditions.
  • Windows Mobile Client - View collected data doesn't populate fields with collected data in non-grid fields for non-Audit forms.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Intermittent SQL error during execution of sync plans. Under special configurations of custom fields, a user can get SQL exceptions during the downloading of custom fields stage of running a sync plan.
  • Server - When a custom field has the same name as a referenced type's table name on asset (e.g. Assignee) the rebuilding of the AssetSummary view will fail due to invalid SQL, and various functionality across the product will not have access to the new field.
  • Server - Rebuilding the AssetSummary view would fail on SQL 2005 due to use of syntax for SQL 2008 and above.
  • Server - APM 12/14 handler creating duplicate locations/users.
  • Importer - PurchaseOrder LineItem analysis would fail if Sku file was not present.
  • Importer - Continue import when re-index of database fails. Now displays error indicating why re-index of the database fails.
  • Console/Server - Overage and Underage PO validator did not run if product was missing.
  • Form Design - Controls were not available to create/edit picklist values on Purchase Order Line Item custom fields. (September 21, 2015) - Hotfix for

New features

  • Importer - Add command timeout switch to debugimport.bat and scheduled task to use to control command timeouts. Default set to 300 seconds.

  • Installer - Prompt user to choose if DB update scripts are run during upgrade.

Bug fixes

  • AT4 Client - Configuring client-side, error-level validation prevented upload of collected data due to a server-side bug.
  • Windows Mobile Client - View collected data doesn't populate fields with collected data in non-grid fields for non-Audit forms.
  • Server - Rebuilding the AssetSummary view would fail on SQL 2005 due to use of syntax for SQL 2008 and above. (July 29, 2015)

New features

  • Server - CA 12.9 ability to switch CostCenter and GLCode

  • AT4 Client - Added asset count for bulk forms

  • AT4 - PO form support

  • AT4 - Audit form support

  • AT4 Client - Wait for keys on rogue assets in bulk forms

  • Windows Mobile Client - Location audit report

  • Windows Mobile Client - Update asset location on device if moved via audit form

  • AT4 Client - Readonly field support

  • AT4 Client - Expanded dog tag shows all form fields

  • AT4 Client - TC44 & TC70 support

  • Server/Windows Mobile Client - Enable/Disable quick sync

  • Server/Windows Mobile Client - Add support for MC55A

  • AT4 Client - Allow startup when offline

  • AT4 Api - Allow api to run in 32bit environment

  • Console - Allow cross field validator to filter by AssetType

  • Server - Assignee First Name, Assignee Last Name, Product Name, and Location name all changed to nvarchar to support a greater character set.

  • Upload Forms - Allow setting of context data (user, device, collecteddate, etc) in the upload file.

Bug fixes

  • Installer - Bug fix update scripts for Sql 2005 compatibility

  • Server - CA 12.9 Publishing of model 

  • Server/Windows Mobile Client - Database refresh interval was not firing correctly

  • Server - CA 12.9 Import of status values not importing correctly

  • Server - CA 12.9 Changed search for shell records to avoid message size quota

  • Server - CA 12.9 lifecycle status not importing correctly

  • AT4 Client - Update bulk form scan to query against all key fields

  • Server - Add cab mime type override for 2012 server

  • Server - Handle global field alias for custom fields

  • Windows Mobile Client - Changing location values updates Code field

  • Server - Remove IE10+ textbox clear button

  • AT4 Client - iOS sounds not working

  • Server - CA 12.9 publishing creating unnecessary updates

  • Server - CSV upload forms date time not being parse into correct time zone

  • Console - Not clearing if empty

  • Server - AssetTrack handler not changing asset last modified if only custom fields are changed

  • Server - Update Asset Summary view to improve performance for import

  • Importer - Extend command timeout for long running queries

  • Importer - Use batching for Sql calls

  • Importer - Reindex and update db before and after import

  • Server/WinMo - Fix issue with quick sync not handling 'Active' field

  • Server/WinMo - On Server 2012, update agent would experience a Mobile Device Error on update

  • AT4 Client - If an asset is deleted when editing the dog tag model in a bulk form, the form breaks and the model picker will no longer work (April 21, 2015)

New features

  • Initial release of AT4 universal client.
  • Initial release of AT4 web api.
  • Windows Mobile Client / Server - Add product support to quick sync 
  • Windows Mobile Client / Server - Location audit form will now use the location from a scanned asset to set the audit location. 
  • Server - APM 11 integration can be configured to use a custom field for the asset tag value in both import and export.
  • Windows Mobile Client / Server - New setting to choose between NUL terminated ASCII encoding or Fixed length HEX for parsing RFID tag values. 
  • Server - Update XSL handler to support attachment fields.
  • Server - APM 12 Custom field publishing.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Stockroom audit form.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Add context menu to task form for manual lookup of key field value.
  • Server, Console, Windows Mobile Client - Remove CA Freetext locations for audit form.
  • Server - Publishing support for ServiceNow integration.

Bug fixes

  • Windows Mobile Client / Server - Fix for quick sync download on IIS 6.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Improve pre-requisite message for hierarchical fields.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Update Symbol libraries.
  • Console, Form Design - It was possible to create a blank options that became attached to the global definition of a PickList field (not by design). This created various issues with other AssetTrack sub-systems.
  • Server - Fix autocomplete on Asset Detail and Web Task Forms for chrome on firefox.
  • Server - Fix saved search results to show label value of pick list fields.
  • Server - Fix publishing issue with custom field updates.
  • Server - Fix import issue when Perform Deactivation is disabled.
  • Server - Fix APM handler to set description when publishing.
  • Server - Fix upload form location handling to allow assignment of code value.
  • Server - Fix error in displaying time zones.
  • Server - Fix Uberdom  Add email to assignee information.
  • Server - Include assettrack assettag in error message when failing to update asset record on apm import because of duplicate assettag.
  • Server - Fix Adding audit trail user to APM 12 publishing.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Fix assignee scan to perform code lookup.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Fix cache expiration for audit form to improve performance.
  • Server - Update sync plans to handle locations when none present.
  • Installer - Set DB collation during creation of AssetTrack database.
  • Server - Fix AssetTrack handler to handle assignee2 field (November 11, 2014) - Hotfix for

 Bug fixes

  • Server - Upload forms did not update code for location. (November 11, 2014) - Hotfix for

Bug fixes

  • Server - APM 11 handler was not publishing description.
  • Server - File import failure when 'perform deactivation' was false and CostCenter and/or Sku was present. (October 08, 2014) - Hotfix for

Bug fixes

  • Server - Fix publishing issue with custom field updates. (August 21, 2014) - Hotfix for

 Bug fixes

  • Server/Console - When many records exist in the all forms' queues, opening one queue may hang. (August 21, 2014) - Hotfix for

 Bug fixes

  • Server/Console - When many records exist in the all forms' queues, opening one queue may hang. (July 28, 2014)

 New features

  • Windows Mobile Client - enable overage validator on client for PO line item assets
  • Windows Mobile Client - Change disabled text box style to improve legibility
  • Windows Mobile Client - auto advance cursor on scan for rogue form
  • Server - Include Stockroom id and name in PublishedDataView
  • Server - Upload forms now supports model code and stockroom code for resolution of respective entities

Bug fixes

  • ServiceNow Preprocessor - Detect lack of sys_id in results to prevent infinite loop
  • iOS client - Clear form on navigation back to list
  • iOS client - Clear form on key field scan
  • Windows Mobile Client - Adjust layout of product search based on device
  • Server - Web task forms now allow existing key field values to be changed
  • Server - Redirect for opening forms includes server variable for iOS
  • Console - Underage validator firing incorrectly for line items that had been switch between consumable and serialized
  • Api - Ensure last successful login is recorded
  • Installer - When installing a new version of the server that performs upgrades to the database, if the server is uninstalled (via Windows' Programs and Features) before the new installer is run, the database upgrades were not performed.
  • Server - Saving custom connections was failing 
  • Server - Complete processing of task data from mobile asynchronously
  • Server - Order auto publishing by data collected
  • FIS - Move hierarchical validation from file reader to analysis for loose support (June 16, 2014 - Requires Windows Mobile Upgrade)

New features

  • Installer - Fix web service authentication settings for win auth, fix file permissions for server.
  • Installer - Using server version from db for upgrade scripts and fully validate sql connection info.
  • Installer - Check for IIS pre requisites on Server 2008 and 2012 (Win Auth and ASP.NET)
  • Server - Added QueueSummaryExtended view to install
  • API Installer - Allow setting connection string via command line during install.
  • Console - New XslHandler form setting, "Publish each asset individually". Valid for only PO forms, this decomposes a single PO Line Item record's assets, and calls the XslHandler once for each collected asset. The default value for this new setting is false.
  • Console - Improve load time of the queue
  • iOS Client - Bug fix for dog edit to clear fields from previous dog tag
  • Server - Add url redirect for iOS and Web Task Forms
  • Import - Add support for importing StockroomTag
  • XslHandler - Add support for the Stockroom Type import field

Bug fixes

  • iOS Client - Case insensitive task form name and key when launching via url
  • Server - Importing config was not importing handler settings
  • Server - Upload forms were not including code when creating new locations (May 14, 2014)

New features

  • API - Make auth ticket expiration configurable.

Bug fixes

  • Windows Mobile Client - Intermittent application crash after sync
  • iOS Client - Fix for Assignee scan bug
  • iOS Client - Arrows on the help text overlay pointed to the wrong place. Also changed text. (April 25, 2014)

New features

  • API - The API now shares the same build number as the server.
  • Windows Mobile client - Custom and Named fields can be forced to receive the next scanned value by tapping the field label.
  • iOS client - Support multiple validations per fields, at mixed levels; submit correct override flags to server.
  • Console - Purchase Order forms can now be configured with either a read-only model or an edit-enabled model field on the line item form.
  • Console - Purchase Order forms can now override the error level of the default model value-changed validator by adding the validator for the model field on the data policy tab.
  • Windows Mobile client - On procurement forms, users can now correct the consumable value for a purchase order line item (e.g. change "consumable" to "false", thus allowing for the collection of serialized asset data). The use of this changed value is only handled by the XslHandler.
  • Upload Forms - Only run client defined processors at upload.
  • ServiceNow - Initial support for ServiceNow import and publishing.
  • Server: Saved Search - When creating the Asset filters, Asset Type now shows as a hierarchical field instead of a simple text box.
  • Mobile: Full trust for all SSL certs on app and .net updater.
  • iOS Client - Delete dog tag button now asks for confirmation.
  • iOS Client - Single-asset forms now have a Save & Clear option.
  • iOS Client - Long press on a dog tag, opens up list of Single-asset forms, for editing that dog tag.
  • iOS Client - On master and detail screens, we display textual feedback between moment scan code is read, until data is returned (or not) from the server.

Bug fixes

  • Windows Mobile Client - Viewing bulk collected data was expecting an existing asset causing a null ref exception.
  • Server - Upload forms were not creating new locations when allowed.
  • API - Custom fields were always null.
  • iOS Client - Scanning valid Assignee code no longer crashes Assignee picker. (March 24, 2014)

New features


  • Console - Enable user to customize Older Data Exists in Queue validator in form designer.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Quick Sync now includes purchase order and purchase order line item data.
  • Server - Sync Plan can now be configured to include no stockrooms, the entire list of stockrooms, or (new functionality) only those stockrooms specified on a new tab titled "Stockrooms".
  • Server - Sync Plan can now be configured to include all locations, regardless of the location settings used to filter asset data.
  • API - Assignee look up now supports optionally searching the code field.
  • Windows Mobile Client - If location code is exposed on a form, the label (which used to be simply "Code") is now [Location field alias] + " Code".
  • iOS client - You can now scan into Assignee and Assignee2 fields.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Location field ... given the following conditions: 1) location code is not shown, 2) a scan pattern is configured for the location control, 3) the scanned value matches a pattern for the location field, 4) the scanned value is not found ... now an error sound plays indicating no location was found for the scanned location code value.
  • Import Service - File set import support for the Asset.Assignee2 field.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Simplified the file path information for the mobile databases in the "About AssetTrack..." view. (previously included other non-file-path information).


Bug fixes

  • Windows Mobile Client - When opening previously-collected purchase order data from "Tools" > "View Collected Data", and the "Save" button was clicked, the application would fatally except.
  • iOS client - Scanning invalid code from camera scanner in all tree views (esp Organization) did not leave UI in good state.
  • iOS client - iOS 7 removed extra chevron in tree views, leaving just the stupid info icon.
  • iOS client - Keep navigation bar showing when showing Camera scanner.
  • iOS client - Min iOS version is now 6 instead of 5.
  • iOS client - Fix navigation bar disappearing in model and assignee pickers.
  • Windows Mobile Client - In some cases, view collected data would not clear the previously-selected row when another row was selected.
  • Windows Mobile Client - If location code is exposed on a form and autocomplete is enabled, after initial load, re-opening the form would fired autocomplete of the location code.
  • Windows Mobile Client - If location code is focused (the cursor is located in the textbox), the scanned value would not be placed in the textbox.
  • Import Service - File set import was indicating updates to the database for every asset, whether or not new data was actually updated in the database.
  • iOS client - Removed "section index" control from list views.
  • Import Service - File set import was not updating the DateModified field for updated records.
  • Windows Mobile Client - If A) a Date field is on the form, B) an asset is looked up that had a value for that field, and C) the Date control is *not* touched, when the collected data is uploaded to the queue, the supposedly-untouched value would show as changed, and the Value Changed Validator would show a date time value that doesn't reflect the correct time-zone adjusted date.
  • Server - In some server functionality (e.g. Most recent assets, Most recent log entries, Asset details), the system was not accurately taking daylight savings into account when converting date time values into the configured time zone and localized format.
  • Windows Mobile Client - fix crashing issue when closing without partnering.
  • Server - Performance improvement for some database queries, including one that slowed down landing page load times.
  • Server - APM import performance issue with deactivating assets.
  • Server - Upload forms were not creating locations correctly based on 'CanCreateAtDepth' setting. (February 11, 2014)

New features
  • iOS Client - For those fields that have search ability (e.g Assignee, Location, Model), an active search query can now be cancelled, allowing the user to interact with the app again.
  • iOS Client - Camera scanner button is larger, making it easier to tap.
  • iOS Client - Turned off auto-correct on search input boxes.
  • API - Validation support added to /TaskData (POST) endpoint.
  • iOS Client - Added ResourceRules.plist file.
  • iOS Client - Validation support added (based on form configuration).
  • Windows Mobile Client - New Quick Sync feature added.
  • XslHandler - For Purchase Order forms, all assets collected against a single line item are passed to the XslHandler in one XML document. Prior to this change, each asset generated its own XML document, and the XSLT output file specification was called for each collected asset.
  • XslHandler - New handler setting, "Create individual files". Creates individual output files for each record published from the Console.
  • New Asset field, Assignee2, added
  • API - Organization field support added
  • iOS Client - Support for the Organization field added
  • iOS Client - Vibrate option. You can now turn Vibrate and Sounds on and off from the Settings popup
  • Form Design / Windows Mobile - Stockroom scan pattern support added. Look up by stockroom code for scanned value.
  • API - Stockroom field support added
  • iOS Client - Stockroom support.

  • Server - The top navigation's 'Help' link now points to the AMI Service Desk, which has links to see product documentation, submit a help request, and check open requests.
  • Import Service - File import pre-processor support added enabling AMI to develop custom PO file format importing for individual clients.
  • Import Service - Loose file import service setting added enabling the File Import Service to import partial data, putting records that can't be imported into the Error folder but importing the remaining records.
  • Import Service - File Import Service support for consumable flag on Purchase Order Line item file records added.
  • Import Service - Allow re-import of location/organization/assettype with change to externalid, enabling users to recreate location and organizations that have the same name is previously deactivated locations and organizations.
  • XslHandler - Configurable filename for XslHandler - Administrators can now configure the filename created by the XSL Handler, vs. the file assuming the name of the task used to create it.
  • XslHandler - Configurable use of time stamp in filename for XslHandler - Administrators can now configure whether the XSL Handler will add a time/date stamp to the output file name.
  • XslHandler - Configurable use of headers for XslHandler - Administrators can now configure whether the XSL Handler will add a header row to the output file.
  • Server - FX9500 Directionality/Multiple antennae support enabling users to specify different location and status values to apply to passing RFID tags based on the antenna that last read the tag.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Win Mobile PO Forms allow empty product, enabling users to receive line items without product information, using the PO line item consumable flag to determine if the line item requires serial numbers or not.
  • Form Design - Enable user to customize Older Data Exists in Queue validator in form designer.
Bug fixes
  • Importer - During Service Desk import, the output would say "Querying UAPM Extended Fields".  Corrected to "Querying Service Desk Extended Fields".
  • iOS Client, API - Look-up support  was failing for the Description, Service Status, and Line Item Number fields.
  • iOS Client - Date fields' collected values were changing slightly in the queue (due to time zone conversion issues).
  • Windows Mobile Client - When using Windows Authentication security, users who had successfully logged in once, were required to be connected to the network to successfully log in again. This cached authentication feature was mistakenly removed for Windows Authentication configurations. It is back in again.
  • Windows Mobile Client - When using Windows Authentication security, the Asset Track security setting for locking out a user after x invalid login attempts was not working.
  • Console - In the queue, performing a refresh does not remove records that may have been published by another instance of the console.
  • Windows Mobile Client - In some configurations, the Assignee's submitted field data was not correctly represented in queue. Usually this was triggered by autocomplete being turned off and entering the assignee code as the field value.
  • Windows Mobile Client - Long-running sync plans could corrupt the data base if the machine was suspended prior to the sync plan finishing. When a sync plan is run, the device is prevented from fully suspending (the display may dim, but the sync plan should still complete).
  • iOS Client - On a bulk form, if a field was one that required a field-specific search to populate (e.g. Location) and that field was never populated, the application should have submitted a blank value for the field. Instead, the app would submit data that resulted in the queue showing the collected asset's current value for that field.
  • Windows Mobile Client - When opening previously-collected purchase order data from "Tools" > "View Collected Data", and the "Save" button was clicked, the application would fatally except. (September 17th, 2013)

New features
  • API support for posting data to Upload Forms
  • When the Console encounters an error, it now shows details about the error condition that can help identify the underlying cause
  • Significant load time performance improvements for the Console's main view (post-authentication)
  • Minor performance improvements for the CA APM importer, specifically around Assignees, for some configurations.
  • Windows Mobile's Model field pattern support: searches by part control number (PCN) for the results of the scan. If no model is found, the value is placed in the PCN text box if it is on the form or the model field if PCN is absent.
  • Windows Mobile Sync Plan changes:

    • Sync Plans can support filtering assets by a related Location at a lower-than-root level
    • Re-indexing of the mobile database is now the last step of running a Sync Plan
    • Assignees were not being re-indexed as part of the step above, which led to slow search performance on the first Assignee look-up
Notable bug fixes
  • iOS: When a Bulk Form is open and a text field has focus, when the camera scanner is turned on, the text field did not receive the scanned value
  • The Console has been experiencing intermittent Null Reference Exceptions, especially under configurations with many forms
  • Single Web Task Form look-up would throw an error when a handler or form field was on the form
  • Windows Mobile Client: ValueChangedValidator would throw an error when it failed for the Product field. (July 15th, 2013)

New features
  • New custom field types:Decimal and Integer introduced
  • Saved Searches can now use >, >=, <, <= operators on text and number fields
  • The AssetTrack Server installer now triggers a rebuild of all sync plans if a server database upgrade was performed
  • New AssetTrack iOS features:

    • Single asset form support added
    • Text fields now support the Default Value specified in form design
    • Numeric field support added
    • Scan pattern support for text fields added?
Notable bug fixes
  • Various bug fixes related to AssetTrack iOS data collection fields and form behavior, including the keyboard obscuring the field being edited.
  • Optimization to asset import to address running out of memory at high volumes in certain environments.
  • Windows Mobile update agent would fail to update .NET under a specialized set of conditions when AssetTrack is behind a proxy. (May 14th, 2013)

New features
  • AssetTrack iOS support for custom DateTime form fields added.
  • Added Xsl Handler functionality to allow publishing of custom DateTime values in various formats.
Notable bug fixes
  • Various bug fixes related to AssetTrack iOS data collection fields and form behavior, including the keyboard obscuring the field being edited.
  • Optimization to asset import to address running out of memory at high volumes in certain environments.
  • Windows Mobile update agent would fail to update .NET under a specialized set of conditions when AssetTrack is behind a proxy. (April 23rd, 2013)

New features
  • On non-bulk web forms (aka single web forms), there is a new lookup feature that allows users to look up an asset before updating it.

Notable bugfixes
  • On certain Windows Mobile/Windows CE devices, the Update Agent was failing to upgrade the .NET Compact Framework.
  • Various bugfixes related to dynamic field mapping.
  • Various bugfixes related to the purchase order module. (April 8th, 2013)



AssetTrack for iOS is here!

This version of AssetTrack introduces the AssetTrack iOS app, available in the B2B App Store! Use existing iOS hardware to scan and track assets with AssetTrack with no additional hardware purchase required. You can use your existing custom forms and scan assets rapidly using camera or a Bluetooth-connected scanner.

Any device running iOS 5.0+ can run AssetTrack, including iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads. See detailed system requirements here.

If you'd like to evaluate or purchase the iOS module, please contact


Most requested improvements to the queue

Paging on the home page reports

New Features
  • iOS client for AssetTrack (version
  • Dynamic field publishing (DFP). This feature allows you to control the mapping of AssetTrack fields to fields in your repository system. This feature supports  APM 11.3.x, APM 12.x, and Service Desk 12.x.
  • Paging on home page reports
  • Various queue enhancements to improve usability.
Notable bugfixes
  • On some Windows CE devices, AssetTrack would begin throwing errors after waking up from hibernation.
  • AssetTrack Console cannot launch when FIPS compliance being enforced by domain policy.
  • When using the XSL Handler to publish collected data to text files, the data intended for one file sometimes leaks into another file.
  • The bulk web form would sometimes hide the "Remove" checkbox, making it impossible to remove asset lines from the grid section.
  • In the Windows CE app, when using the bulk form, if you used the helper form to create new assets in the grid section, you saw strange data behavior (e.g. duplication, wrong data being enqueued). (Feb 8, 2013)

New Features
  • Fixed position RFID reader support. This optional module allows you to set up a fixed RFID reader in a doorway or other catchpoint and detect the passage of passive RFID tags for automated location tracking. RFID changes are sent to the queue just like data collected using any AssetTrack form.
  • Windows CE: Improved error messages on the AssetTrack client for Windows CE when AssetTrack is having problems connecting to the AssetTrack Server.
  • If your forms use a picklist field, you can now specify picklist values where the display value differs from the actual picklist value.
  • When publishing to CA Service Desk, you can now modify field values of an asset even if you're setting the asset to Inactive in Service Desk. Previously, if you were setting an asset to Inactive in Service Desk, all other field changes were ignored.
  • The sync plan designer's Cost tab is improved to more efficiently retrieve object counts for your sync plans. (Dec 21, 2012)

  • The AssetTrack publishing process can now be configured to map AssetTrack fields to CA APM fields without requiring an upgrade. For example, if you created a new APM extended field named "Audit Status", you can now configure AssetTrack to publish almost any of its fields to this new APM extended field. This configuration is currently configured using the "Transfer Configuration" process; there is no user interface.
  • When using RFID for auditing, you can now tune the power of the RFID signal to suit your environment and reduce unwanted "cross reads".
  • The Motorola MC3190 and Motorola MC9190-Z mobile devices are now supported by AssetTrack. 
  • Introduced a new upgrade utility for large Windows Mobile/CE device fleets that require device flashing/reboots during significant upgrades. This tool allows push button upgrades to AssetTrack and its underlying components even when flashing is involved.
Notable fixes
  • Fixed a bug in the sync plan designer page that did not allow you to select particular Organizations to include in the sync. Previously, the page would force you to add all Organizations.
  • On the mobile single form, the pick list fields (e.g. Status) could sometimes display misleading values. For example, you have a mobile single form with a Status field with the pick list values "Installed", "Received" and "Disposed", and "Installed" is the default value. Using the single form, you scan an asset has a current status value of "Ordered". Since "Ordered" is not a value that is included in the list of pick list choices, AssetTrack displays the default value of "Installed". This misleads the user into believing that the asset status is "Installed" when it is actually "Ordered". AssetTrack will now display the actual value in the pick list.
  • In previous versions of AssetTrack, the values in the Location field were "remembered" between form submissions so that you wouldn't have to specify a location each time. This has been removed; AssetTrack now clears out the location value between form submissions.
  • When installing AssetTrack Server and specifying the wrong database password for "AssetTrackUser", the installer would notify the user that the password was incorrect and allow the user to correct the password. The new, corrected password was being ignored, which caused the installation to fail. The corrected password is now honored.
  • In AssetTrack Mobile, there is a menu option for "View Collected Data" that would use flyout menus to list the forms. On Windows CE devices, the device would often misinterpret stylus taps, causing the first form in the flyout list to open. The menu has been redesigned to work without flyout menus. (Oct 29, 2012)

  • Multiple instances of the XslHandler can be added to a single form. This enables the generation of multiple output files, with different custom data formats, from a single publish operation.

Notable fixes
  • Bug fix: XslHandler - Invalid file name characters in the form name are not escaped when creating output file name.

  • Bug fix: XslHandler - Certain XML elements (XML Location, Assignee, Organization, Vendor, Stockroom) can be missing in the generated file for PO forms when creating new assets and that element's field is NOT on the form.

  • Bug fix: Mobile PO form - In the grid column header, PCN alias incorrectly shown for Description and AssetType aliases. (Sep 19, 2012)

  • Various performance enhancements to audit mode and procurement module (receiving) forms. This includes improvements to mobile RFID performance.

  • Many enhancements to audit mode.

Notable fixes
  • "Required for status validator" was not working correctly on procurement module forms.

  • "Model required validator" was not working correctly on the single form. (Sep 7, 2012)

  • Audit mode now includes support for CA freetext locations (e.g. Floor, Room, Shelf, Slot fields of ca_owned_resource).

  • Many enhancements to audit mode.

  • When using the XSL Handler to publish to text files, you can now specify the file name extension of the generated file. (Aug 14, 2012)

  • Mobile RFID scanning is now available as an optional module. 

  • Debut of the new "audit mode" in mobile bulk forms. Configuring a bulk form in audit mode allows you to specify a location, see all assets currently assigned to that location, and audit that location for accuracy.

Notable fixes
  • In the grid section of the mobile bulk form, the assignee field was not displaying correctly.
  • When importing procurement data, the importer reported errors in certain cases. (Jun 29, 2012)

  • The AssetTrack procurement module is an existing feature that allows users to receive assets and consumable items against a PO. This release adds form designer support for this feature, so users who have purchased the module can design and modify PO receiving forms in the Console. 

  • The procurement module has been enhanced to work alongside CA APM. Data collected with PO forms can be selectively delivered to both APM and a procurement system like Peoplesoft, Oracle Financials, or SAP.

  • RFID scanning support added. Using the Motorola MC9090-G, you can scan RFID tags into a bulk form. (This is currently Ami-Mellon dev branch and is not slated to be included in GA)

  • License information is now stored in the database. The license key is still sent by AMI as a file, but once uploaded into AssetTrack, it is stored in the database.

  • On the server Settings page, there are new settings in the CA Service Management tab for specifying what extended field to use for population of Product Part Control Number during import.

  • Overage and Underage Validator can be added to the data policy of a Procurement form.

  • Overage and Underage Validator queries custom external data source or AssetTrack (if custom data source is not specified in the data policy settings ) for the number expected with the PO line item.

  • New handler setting for CA handlers (Service Desk, APM 11.3 and 12.6) to allow user to specify if the new asset validator should use the external repository or the AT repository for validation.

  • On the server Settings page, there are new settings in the CA Service Management tab for setting for APM 11.3 / 12.6 and Service Desk to allow import of only managed assets, only unmanaged assets, or both.

  • On the server Settings page, there are new settings in the CA Service Management tab for setting for APM 11.3 / 12.6 and Service Desk to indicate how to set the managed flag for publishing when the import setting is set to import both managed and unmanaged assets.

Notable fixes
  • Installer was not using the ATUser sql credentials to run DB update scripts.
  • XslHandler XML data was not providing values for Vendor.Tag nor the entire Stockroom node. (May 10, 2012)

  • On a single mobile form, you can now manually type a serial number or asset tag then tap the Enter button (on either the on-screen keyboard or the hardware keyboard) to trigger a lookup. This addresses cases where an asset tag is not scannable for some reason. Before this change, it was impossible to trigger a lookup unless you scanned a barcode.
  • When installing AssetTrack Server, the installer now scans for the presence of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 2 and installs it if it is not detected.
Notable fixes
  • Several bug fixes with upload forms. (Mar 28, 2012)

  • Upload Forms are a new licensed feature of AssetTrack. Using this feature, you can use the form designer to design a file format of a spreadsheet. That spreadsheet can then be filled in with data and uploaded into the queue, where it will be subject to all of the queue's data validation checks before being published to the configured destination. This feature is useful for data collection using methods other than using AssetTrack forms.

Notable fixes
  • Problems encountered during scanning on the mobile device are now logged to a file that can be shared with AMI Support for troubleshooting.

  • The AssetTrack installer now requires .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to be present on the installing machine to be able to run the database portion of the installation.

  • Fixed issues when importing data from Oracle-backed APM installations.

  • Fixed an issue where the APM 11.x handler would fail if any non-key fields were configured as required in APM.


3.2.621.188 (Mar 2, 2012)

  • In AssetTrack Mobile, you can now schedule a sync to run at a specific time of day. For example, if you set a sync to run at 4:00am, even long sync plans would be completed by the time you arrived at work at 6:00am.

  • In the AssetTrack installer, when setting AssetTrack for Windows Security, you can now specify the Windows login ID of the initial admin user that you want created. Previously, it was assumed to be the login ID of the person running the installer, which wasn't always desired.

Notable fixes
  • Bulk forms in AssetTrack Mobile had problems when more than about 200 items were scanned. This problem has been resolved and you can now scan up to 2000 items before the work is automatically saved and the user is directed to start a new batch.

  • In the queue, using the Compare Record feature would throw an error if the record being compared had a Cost Center specified.

  • In AssetTrack Mobile, running the "Download Configuration" sync plan could lead to Mobile not reading the most recent information from AssetTrack Server.


3.2.621.144 (Jan 30, 2012)

  • CA Service Desk 12.6 is now a supported repository product.

  • In the queue, you've always been able to sort on (multiple) columns and move columns around, but your changes to sorting and column position would be forgotten when you exited the queue. Your changes to sorting and column position are now remembered for all subsequent sessions.

  • When upgrading AssetTrack, the installer upgrades AssetTrack's SQL Server database automatically. This applies when upgrading from all releases after

  • For customers wanting to publish data to text files, we now have a new feature that will allow you to specify an XSLT file to customize the format of the output file.

  • On mobile bulk forms, the grid section on the lower half of the form would often have column widths that would hide longer values. You can now double-tap on a column header to expand the width of that column to show the longest value in that column.

  • For customers using CA repository products, you can now set the "Inactive" field of an asset.

  • When publishing to CA APM 12.6, the publishing process can now resolve shell assets. These are assets that have a PO number and a model but do not yet have a unique identifier like serial number or asset tag. 

  • You can now publish HostName and AssetName to CA APM 12.6.

  • When publishing to APM 12.6, we've improved the ability to resolve the correct asset in APM.

Notable fixes
  • In the queue, checking out a row would reset the scroll position to the very top. It now maintains the scroll position.

  • On the mobile device, it was possible to get into a state were multiple instances of AssetTrack could start and cause anomalous behavior.

  • In Windows Mobile 6.5, the View Collected Data form did not have an OK button to dismiss the form.

  • In the queue, using the "Compare records" feature from the right-click menu would throw an error under some conditions.

  • When using XSL files to publish to text files, Organization, Vendor and CostCenter data were not being correctly written to the output file.

  • When publishing to CA Service Desk, assets that were associated with a classes that did not have a family would fail publishing.

  • IIS6, added extension mapping for SDF and CAB files for mobile downloads to enable mobile to download those file types from the AssetTrack Server.


3.2.621.100 (Dec 1, 2011)

  • The Motorola ES400 is now a supported mobile device.

  • CA APM 12.6 is now a supported repository product.

  • Mobile device activity can be centrally monitored. Administrators can now monitor sync plan executions, sync times, upgrades, and uploads.

  • HostName and AssetName fields have been added and can be published to all repository products except CA APM 12.6.

  • When publishing data to CA Service Desk, you can now associate an asset with an organization/department.

  • When publishing data to CA Service Desk, location fields (e.g. CAFloorLocation, CARoomLocation) can now be published.

  • You can now specify the lookup priority for an asset (i.e. look up by asset tag, serial number, etc in the desired order).

  • The Stockroom field can now be entered using a scanning shortcut.

Notable fixes
  • The queue would incorrectly indicate it was busy after loading a queue that had more than 50 items.

  • When importing from Service Desk, the asset filters (on the CA Service Management tab of the Settings page) were being ignored.

  • Increased the security of sync plans.

  • In the web app, the search button was not working in IE9.

  • Addressed issues with Windows Security when using Windows Server 2008 R2.

Upgrade notes
  • All AssetTrack components (database, mobile, server, and integrations) must be upgraded.

  • The mobile upgrade will include an upgrade to .NET Compact Framework 3.5. This will add some additional steps to the mobile upgrade, and customers with large, geographically distributed mobile fleets should consult with AMI Support prior to upgrading.

  • Depending on the OS version of the AssetTrack Server host machine, you may need to install Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 2 on the server.


Release Notes for Older Releases

If you'd like information about older releases, please contact AMI Support.